All of the Navigation information can be found on Power School. 7-12 grade students are required by the state to complete the online Power School navigation task found under the "High School and Beyond Plan" tab. Email if you have questions.
What is Navigation 101?
Navigation 101 is a high school graduation requirement with the purpose of empowering students to make the education system work for them. Here at MCP we provide students with lessons and information to complete at home under the supervision of their parents/guardians. This off-site course will aide students in planning and executing their life goals.
Each year students are signed up for Navigation and have access to all of the lessons needed to work at home. By having access to all of the lessons, they may move at their own pace as long as all the lessons are complete by April 30. It is the student’s responsibility to organize and present their Navigation portfolio to their parent/guardian and advisor at a “student led conference”, thus completing the state graduation requirement. It is the parent’s task to mentor and guide their students throughout the course.
The student portfolio will include four sections; 1) academic, 2) career exploration, 3) life skills, and 4) exemplary works. Binders with dividers work well as Navigation portfolios. As students complete each lesson, they can print the written work and organize it in their personal portfolios. In addition, students can begin to save assignments they feel proud of and include them in their portfolio for future reflection. Six exemplary works are need each year. The intent for the Navigation portfolio is to be useful tools in future job hunting, college or trade school admissions, and other life skills. Students will keep their portfolios for the full four years here in Kennewick School District.
At MCP, our school counselor is your Navigation advisor. Twice a year High School students will meet with their advisor to discuss any questions they may have and to present their portfolio. For any additional help, students and parents/guardian can make appointments via email, signup on the clipboard by the counseling door, drop in, and/or call ahead. We are here to help.