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Welcome to the Mid-Columbia Partnership Program

"Home of the Rockets"

The mission of Mid-Columbia Partnership is to ensure student success by personalizing education, providing access to quality resources and innovative classes, and collaborating with families in a supportive educational environment.

We are public education in a family-friendly way where we encourage you to stay close to your child's education.

We operate under the authority of the state of Washington and the laws pursuant to an alternative learning experience (WAC 392-121-182). We remain a public school program that values its role as a partner to parents in their child's education. As a part of the Kennewick School District, there are no costs to participate.
Our staff is made up of certificated and community partners who have made a commitment to our program and its philosophies. Our program is set up around the needs and desires of our families while still meeting the laws that govern us as a public school program. Please revisit the Rockets website, call or email with questions. We welcome you to our community of learners who value education and the many ways and places it can occur.

The Kennewick School District is partnering with families to provide a quality education for children in a safe, professional family-friendly environment. MCP should be seen as a program that enriches the student's learning experience.

We look forward to having you as a partner in your child's education!

MCP Principal, Carrie Deforest


Carrie DeForest

MCP Assistant Principal, Travis Hatke

Assistant Principal:

Travis Hatke

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School Contact:

(509) 222-5036